About Pastor David

Hey there!

I am the pastor of a suburban congregation in the metro Houston area. I have been serving in my current call the last two years, and our ministry here fills me with joy.

I come from deep Lutheran roots. When I was ordained, I became the 4th generation of Lutheran clergy in my family, bringing the total to 12 Lutheran pastors in our Danish-American family. I believe strongly that the Lutheran tradition speaks God's Word of grace to this broken world, and I find much to commend the Lutheran lens for understanding both the world and the Gospel.

I was ordained in 2006 as a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). I attended Roanoke College, The School of Theology of the University of the South (Sewanee), and the Lutheran School of Theology at Gettysburg.

In addition to ministry in a congregational setting, I serve the church by consulting with congregations about technology, vision, and Cross-Generational ministry. See the "Consulting" tab for more information about that ministry.

I am a pastor, above all else, because of a love of the Gospel and a love of God's people. It is a joy and an honor to care for the people of my parish. It is also a great joy to bring the Word into people's lives through preaching and teaching. Which is, I suppose, why I blog. It is a way for me to think through some of these ideas, get feedback from others, and helps to keep me reading and writing regularly.

You can also find me on Twitter: @rev_david

The Gospel is not a pat on the back for good people.
It is comfort for grieving people.
Hope for broken people.
Love for hated and lonely people.